Fair Token Launches: How Bitcoin, Ethereum, and IDOs Redefined Fairness in Crypto Paid Members Public
A historical perspective on fair token distribution and its ongoing evolution.

How to Participate in a Polkastarter IDO on Arbitrum? Paid Members Public
Here’s all you need to know about using Arbitrum for Polkastarter IDOs

How to Add Arbitrum to MetaMask? Paid Members Public
Prepare your wallet for the IDO on Arbitrum

Lotteries Are Now More Transparent Paid Members Public
If you've participated in token sales, you know that lottery processes are usually hidden away from the user. At Polkastarter, we want you to fully trust our processes. That's why we developed a solution to make the lottery transparent, understandable, and even applicable. Initially, our ideal

Recap: Polkastarter End of Year Festival Paid Members Public
Grand Rewards and highlights from our end of year campaign

Important measures following the drainer hack on all dApps. Paid Members Public
Attention: Many dApps are currently compromised and contain wallet drainers. It's recommended not to interact with any dApps until you are sure that your browser cached version 1.1.8 of the connect-kit.

Polkastarter End of Year Festival is ON! Paid Members Public
Complete daily quests, earn daily rewards and work your way to guaranteed [redacted] spots for 2024.

Polkastarter Autumn Community Update Paid Members Public
Looking back at an eventful few months and getting ready to close the year