Polkastarter Community Update #4 — January 2021

Polkastarter’s momentum keeps on building!


Polkastarter Community Update #4 — January 2021

Polkastarter’s momentum keeps on building!

This month was all about scale and building out more and more capability for more users and more projects to fundraise on our platform. Since our first MVP launch a few short months ago, we’ve enabled over 10 projects to raise capital from thousands of unique backers.

Our selection process for projects has gotten more competitive and stringent. The goal is to only bring the best projects up for investment. We take a look at all facets of projects to judge their merit for a token sale on Polkastarter: Team, Technology, Product, Community, and of course business model. To date, we’ve had over 300 applications from projects, and the rate of application submission is only growing.

Polkastarter is really starting to hit its stride and tapping into the power of crowdfunding, in a decentralized and open network!

So far, 3,144 ETH has been raised on Polkastarter since our launch for 18 innovative new projects in blockchain.

Polkastarter continues to be top of mind when it comes to new projects looking to raise capital. The demand for Polkastarter fundraising slots has never been greater, and we look forward to implementing our Polkastarter Council to bring you higher and higher quality projects to invest in.

If you are interested in fundraising on Polkastarter as a project, you should get in touch via our application form. Keep in mind that the selection process is rigorous and thorough. Applicants should be ready to provide all the basic information and details about their company, team’s real identity and professional histories, and business model.

Without further ado, we now present our 4th Community Update for Polkastarter. All of this is made possible by the support of our amazing community. So a heartfelt thank you to all our community members!

Product and Technology ⚙️

A big part of our effort on the tech side came from hiring 4 new team members. We also finished the stablecoin fixed swap contract that is now under quality assurance. All in all this month’s tech updates have to do with scaling the tech team and making sure things are running smoothly, in order to build our products faster!

  • Polkastarter Council & Application System done and under Final Quality Assurance
  • Due to a unexpected spike in traffic for the month of January, we had to adapt our security and devops infrastructure to ensure a stress free pool joining experience
  • We also worked closely with a top security firm to pen test and optimize our application
  • Telegram Pool Updates Done and under Final Quality Assurance
  • Stablecoin Pools Smart Contract Audited
  • Polkadot Internationalization Module: Done and Under Final Quality Assurance
  • Hired Middleware Engineer
  • Hired Back End Engineer
  • Hired Front End Engineer
  • Hired Cyber Security Engineer
  • Released 24 Polkastarter JS Versions
  • We started working on an important update that will have an impact on the whitelisting process

Marketing, Awareness & Community 📣

Social activity for Polkastarter has gone parabolic in the last months. We’ve had support from major news outlets, to popular crypto influencers, to grassroots efforts led by our community members. A huge thank you to everyone who has followed us and shared our news!

  • +260,000 Unique Visitors to our website this month (60% increase)
  • Average time on site of more than 4 minutes
  • Telegram Community grew by 8,088 members on a stunning 48% increase (Currently 24807, in 6 Groups)
  • Twitter Followers more than tripled in January (From 25,800 to 80,100 followers)
  • Our top article on Medium reached more than 1,800 views, with over 11,000 views altogether for our blog
  • Our top Tweet got more than 45,000 impressions with a very high engagement rate
  • We were №1 in the top trending search for several days on CoinGecko and top 5 for almost the entire month
  • Up to 13,218 social contributors/day
  • Up to 13,894 social mentions/day
  • Up to 8,696,834 engagements/day
  • Up to 2.85% social dominance/day

Polkastarter has also broken into the Top 15 of all cryptos in popularity in January 2021. This is absolutely incredible, and we’d like to thank all our supporters for spreading the word and sharing in our vision.

Since the last update we’ve continued to bring quality projects in front of investors for both POLS holders and the public-at-large. Here is a summary of the pools that were on offer:

Butterfly Protocol: Raised over 60 ETH to create a decentralised DNS for the Internet.

Bridge Mutual: Raised 53 ETH to bring insurance to Polkadot

E-Money: Raised over 120 ETH to bring interest backed stablecoins to blockchain

Paid Network: Raised over 54 ETH to bring automation and smart contracts to business contracts and invoicing.

PolkaCover: Raised 60 ETH to bring insurance products to the Polkadot and DeFi ecosystems.

YOP: Raised over 36 ETH to make it easy for everyone to access yield on DeFi protocols.

The Polkastarter Council 🐋

We recently announced the Polkastarter Council, a group of members that will be deciding which pools and token swaps are featured on Polkastarter, and get full communication support.

The first batch of members will be fully focused on institutional funds that can bring value to the projects that are raising on Polkastarter. We actually already announced the first member, Moonrock Capital.

In order to be eligible for this council, all members need to hold together around 5% (5,000,000) of the total supply of Polkastarter Tokens ($POLS), and to be active, public and credible players in the blockchain ecosystem.

Token ($POLS) 💎

  • Big news this update, we got successfully listed on two of the biggest centralized exchanges: Huobi and Okex!
  • We almost doubled our liquidity on Uniswap, and we’re currently close to our all time high of $11,948,705 of total liquidity
  • Volume increased to an average of over $2.5M USD volume per day with one day surpassing the $16M USD volume milestone
  • We now have over 26,000 active token holders — more than 47% from last month
  • We continued our Uniswap Liquidity Program rewards to 150,000 POLS



Press 📰

Cointelegraph was kind enough to publish this great feature article about us.

The article was shared hundreds of times and has over 20,000 views.

Selected others:

Crypto Daily: https://coinmarketcap.com/headlines/news/TosDis-IDO-Polkastarter/

NewsBTC: https://coinmarketcap.com/headlines/news/an-upcoming-public-sale-on-polkastarter-follows-e-moneys-successful-dex-launch/

BeinCrypto: https://beincrypto.com/ethereum-rival-polkadot-launches-polkastarter-dex-and-liquidity-mining/

Crypto Daily: https://coinmarketcap.com/headlines/news/mahadao-will-host-one-of-the-first-idos-on-polkastarter/

Coingape: https://coinmarketcap.com/headlines/news/polkastarter-token-price-surge-after-second-ido-announcement/

Upcoming 👀

In February we are going to keep working on getting the best projects to raise on Polkastarter and to double down on governance.

Other topics for the upcoming weeks and months include:

  • Launch the Polkastarter Governance platform
  • Launch an important tech update related to whitelisting
  • Continue working with Parity and Polkadot to prepare for integration
  • Continue working on adding new features

About Polkastarter

Polkastarter is the leading early-stage fundraising protocol, enabling web3’s most innovative projects to kick-start their journey and grow their communities. Polkastarter allows its users to make research-based decisions to participate in high-potential public sales and be early to the future of web3.

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