Recap of Polkastarter Founders' AMA: Unveiling Our Vision and Progress

In order to connect with our community after being absorbed in our building bubble, we hosted an AMA session with our founders, Miguel Leite and Daniel Stockhaus, where they shed light on Polkastarter's journey, provided insights into our progress, and shared our bold vision for the future. Today, we present to you a recap of this discussion between our founders and CMO, Yan, featuring the most frequently asked questions from our active community.

In case you want to listen to the Polkastarter founders’ AMA, you can always press play on this tweet. Otherwise, continue reading this article to catch all the highlights firsthand.

I. Progress

During the last 6 months, the Polkastarter team has focused on building new businesses and verticals, demonstrating our commitment to the Web3 industry. The four business units, Launchpad, Acceleration, Hub, and Gaming, play vital roles in the $POLS ecosystem. A complete overview of the milestones we achieved in 2023 can be found in this blog post.

  • During the AMA we mainly discussed the Polkastarter launchpad business. But also highlighted the progress at Poolside Accelerator, Poolside Hub and Polkastarter Gaming.
  • The Acceleration unit, operated through Poolside, has started its first cohort, nurturing 4 promising projects, and heading to Demo Day on July 13th. Sign up here!
    Poolside Hub (Lisbon), a Web3 hub, has become a vibrant meeting point and co-working space, opening its doors to over 5,000 Web3 since April 2023.
  • The Gaming division has experienced significant success with the launch of GAM3 Quests, showcasing remarkable engagement from the gaming community. Polkastarter continues to enrich the gaming ecosystem and collaborate with partners for a rewarding experience.

II. Vision

Polkastarter's Commitment in a Bear Market:
In the face of a prolonged bear market, Polkastarter has demonstrated unwavering commitment to protecting both founders and participants. Recognizing the challenges of building during such times, we made the difficult decision to pause IDOs. We firmly believe in playing the long game, ensuring the preservation of our user community and the projects themselves. As the number one decentralized fundraising platform, our curated approach ensures that we always select teams with a proper long-term vision.

The Future of Launchpads:
We strongly believe that the future of fundraising lies in blockchain and decentralized technology. Eventually, all fundraising will transition towards a more efficient and transparent decentralized approach. To position ourselves as a prominent player for the next 5-10 years, we are doubling down on securing the right projects with good tokenomics and a well-defined market strategy. We are patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to launch a project that aligns with our high standards.

III. Roadmap

Upcoming Features Enhancing User Experience:
Polkastarter has been working diligently to enhance the user experience by developing new features. These features will gradually go live alongside upcoming project launches. Among the upcoming enhancements are a new profile system, an updated KYC process, an earning section, and engaging quests. We are also actively expanding our team, ensuring we have the right talent to thrive in the next bull market.

Polkastarter Rebranding:
To further elevate our presence and better reflect our diverse offerings, we are working on a rebranding initiative for Polkastarter. While we plan to execute the rebrand when our activity and IDOs increase, we are planning for that to happen either this year or early in 2024. We value our community's input and invite everyone to participate in our brand survey, as we aim to tailor our brand to meet their evolving needs.

IV. Community Questions

New KYC System:
We understand the inconvenience of repeating the KYC process for every IDO, and we are close to implementing the one-time KYC procedure. Our aim is to streamline the process and provide a seamless user experience.

Refund Policy:
We have decided not to introduce a refund system on Polkastarter. This decision stems from our commitment to fairness towards the projects. After the IDO, the projects rely on the full amount raised to execute their roadmap and sustain their team. Investing in projects inherently carries risks, and we strive to select projects diligently through an improved due diligence process. Our goal is to foster trust among the community and projects alike.

Financial Stability:
We are fully prepared and financially stable, equipped with a solid runway that empowers us to pursue our goals relentlessly. In fact, we have recently expanded our team by bringing aboard three exceptional new members.

POLS Token's Relevance in the Ecosystem:
The POLS token has demonstrated strong price performance, consistently staying above its listing price from three years ago. Holding POLS grants participants access to our ecosystem, allowing them to actively shape the platform's future. The team remains dedicated to providing additional utility for the POLS token, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported us and held POLS during the most challenging times. We are committed to rewarding long term holders with additional benefits.

In conclusion, the Polkastarter AMA provided the needed insights into our journey, progress, and vision for the future. We encourage everyone to listen to the full recording for a comprehensive understanding of our platform's vision. Join our vibrant community, engage with our team, and embark on this exciting journey together as we forge ahead towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

About Polkastarter
Polkastarter is the leading decentralized fundraising platform enabling crypto’s most innovative projects to kick-start their journey and grow their communities. Polkastarter allows its users to make research-based decisions to participate in high-potential IDOs, NFT sales, and Gaming projects.

Polkastarter aims to be a multi-chain platform. Currently, users can participate in IDOs and NFT sales on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Celo, and Avalanche, with many more to come.

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